TOPROF Section at EMS 2017 (5 Sept 2017)
A co-organized TOPROF session was hosted at the European Meteorological Society (EMS) Annual Meeting in Dublin on Tuesday, September 5th, 2017
OSA1.12 Ground-based profiling networks for improving weather forecasts: COST Action ES1303
TOPROF Training Session at EMS (3 Sept 2017)
The COST ES1303 TOPROF Training School was held in Dublin, Sunday 3 September 2017, just before the European Meteorological Society (EMS) Annual Meeting:
Ground-based profiling networks for improving weather forecasts
The lecturers are available for download to the Training School attendees:
Automatic lidars and ceilometers (Introduction and practice)
Doppler wind lidars (Introduction and practice)
Microwave radiometers (Introduction, Retrievals, SW tools 1, SW tools 2)
Outcome of MC6 and WG meeting in Varna (1-3 June 2016)
The 6th Management Committee / Working Group meeting was hosted by the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) of Bulgaria in Varna on 1-3 June 2015, in close cooperation with ISARS 2016 (
More info at: MC6+WG meeting
Outcome of MC7 and WG meeting in Dublin (4 Sep 2017)
The 7th Management Committee / Working Group meeting was held on 4th September in Dublin during the European Meteorological Society (EMS) Annual meeting (EMS 2017).
More info at: MC7+WG meeting
Outcome of MC5 and WG meeting in Toulouse (19-21 Oct 2015)
The 5th Management Committee / Working Group meeting was hosted by Météo-France in Toulouse on 19-21 October, including a joint session with the E-PROFILE meeting (21 October afternoon).
More info at: MC5+WG meeting